City / Area:Celaya, Guanajuato - Unidad Deportiva Miguel Alemán Valdés [ Off-Airport ]
Photo Date:3 November 2023
Photo by:StreepContact
Photo ID:621664Submit Correction
View count: 78
Unknown Beech 18 preserved in a sportspark in the city of Celaya, Guanajuato. Locals say the airplane has been here for at least 25-30 years. The park is in the area where the old airfield of Celaya used to be until the early 1970s. The airplane is missing many parts and is painted in bright colours. There are no external markings or a c/n plate, the main entry door is closed with a padlock. The opposite side has a large sliding door.
Registration / Serial:Not known
Aircraft Version:Beech 18...
C/n (msn):
City / Area:Celaya, Guanajuato - Unidad Deportiva Miguel Alemán Valdés [ Off-Airport ]
Photo Date:3 November 2023
Photo by:StreepContact
City / Area:Celaya, Guanajuato - Unidad Deportiva Miguel Alemán Valdés [ Off-Airport ]
Photo Date:3 November 2023
Photo by:StreepContact
Photo ID:621664Submit Correction
View count: 78
Unknown Beech 18 preserved in a sportspark in the city of Celaya, Guanajuato. Locals say the airplane has been here for at least 25-30 years. The park is in the area where the old airfield of Celaya used to be until the early 1970s. The airplane is missing many parts and is painted in bright colours. There are no external markings or a c/n plate, the main entry door is closed with a padlock. The opposite side has a large sliding door.
Registration / Serial:Not known
Aircraft Version:Beech 18...
C/n (msn):
City / Area:Celaya, Guanajuato - Unidad Deportiva Miguel Alemán Valdés [ Off-Airport ]
Photo Date:3 November 2023
Photo by:StreepContact