Airport photo of Charleville (YBCV / CTL) in Queensland, Australia | #135762
City / Airport:CharlevilleMap
Region / Country:Queensland, Australia
Airport Codes:ICAO: YBCV   IATA: CTL   Local: -   Other: -
Date & Photographer
Photo Date:1947
Photo from:Ben Dannecker (via David Carter)
Photo ID: 135762
Photo Comment

Charleville was used by the US military in World War II. It had three runways and a perimeter taxiway. The runway running across the photo is today's main runway 12/30. Running from the top of the photo to the right is today's runway 18/36 but it no longer crosses 12/30. The third runway, the longest during the war, seen in top left corner has been closed and part of it now is outside the airport's boundaries. This 1947 photo shows Qantas DC-3 VH-AIJ among a gathering of light aircraft for an undisclosed aviation event. None of the buildings in the photo survive.

This photo was added on 8 April 2019, and has since been viewed 146 times.

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