Aircraft Photo of 0017 | Aero L-39C Albatros | Afghanistan - Air Force | #165764
Registration / Serial:0017
Aircraft Original Type:Aero L-39 Albatros
Aircraft Generic Type:Aero L-39/59/139/159 Albatros
Aircraft Version:Aero L-39C Albatros
C/n (msn):232417
Operator Titles:Afghanistan - Air Force
City / Area:Kabul / Museum OMAR [ Off-Airport ]Map
Collection:OMAR Mine Museum
Photo Date:January 2006 to March 2006
Photo by:Stephan de Bruijn
Photo ID: 165764
Photo Comment

The OMAR Mine Museum (OMAR = Organization for Mine clearance and Afghan Rehabilitation) in Kabul city unexpectedly showed me a number of preserved aircraft. Several former Afghan Air Force aircraft and helicopters were on display, but the war badly damaged most aircraft as well as the infrastructure of the museum. Luckily a large wall around the museum saved the inventory from further damage. This L-39C was one of the aircraft in reasonable condition.

This photo is copyright © Stephan de Bruijn, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 13 September 2019, and has since been viewed 2435 times.

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